What is a Vugly Make-over? It is the New You Month at Sogno Salon

We always here women complain “They hate there hair. or they say my hair is so ugly” Well here is the fix!  Tell your friends to email us a pic of their  Vugly hair and we will pick the 6 most needed. They will receive new cuts and color, smoothing treatments, make-up and have a professional photo of themselves when they are done. (yes, we need their OK to participate!)  Amy Wilton will be the photographer. Visit Amy’s work at www.amywiltonphotography.com/   This is a value of over $400.

This is a great opportunity for you to help a friend who needs a change this time of year. Or maybe your office co-workers ( all 6 of them?)  would like a new beginning to 2013! Watch Facebook in January for more details.Thinking you have has the same style too long

So do you think you know someone who has worn the same style for much too long?